API Documentation


Running in Postman the entire full Flowize API Run in Postman

Flowize provides a whole set of tools to simplify the injection of data implementing RESTful & Soap Web Service APIs.

SOAP-based web service in Flowize:

      <mym:postRecord soapenv:encodingStyle="">
         <input xsi:type="mym:postRecord">
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->
                  <SessionID xsi:type="xsd:string">**session_id**</SessionID>
            <Customer xsi:type="mym:CustomerObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 6 items in any order-->
               <Postcode xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Postcode>
               <Huisnummer xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Huisnummer>
               <Toevoeging xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Toevoeging>
               ... More input fields
               <brief_naw_02 xsi:type="xsd:string">?</brief_naw_02>
               <brief_naw_03 xsi:type="xsd:string">?</brief_naw_03>


SOAP message response will be like:

         <return xsi:type="mym:postRecordResponse">
            <Result xsi:type="xsd:string">SUCCESS</Result>
            <DataRecordID xsi:type="xsd:string">123</DataRecordID>
            <Message xsi:type="xsd:string">Data Record created successfully</Message>

Flowize provides programmatic access to your organization’s information using simple, powerful, and secure application programming interfaces. To use this document, you should have a basic familiarity with software development, Web services, and the Flowize user interface.

Any functionality described in this guide is available if your organization has the API feature enabled.

In particular, Flowize supports the following features about RESTful APIs:

  1. Quick prototyping with support for common APIs for Active Record;
  2. Response format negotiation (supporting JSON and XML by default);
  3. Customizable object serialization with support for selectable output fields;
  4. Proper formatting of collection data and validation errors;
  5. Efficient routing with proper HTTP verb check;
  6. Built-in support for the OPTIONS and HEAD verbs;
  7. Authentication and authorization;
  8. Data caching and HTTP caching;

SOAP is another kind of web services that Flowize uses:

A SOAP-based web service in Flowize involves the sending of an XML message such as shown in the code below:

A SOAP message is an ordinary XML document containing the following elements:

  1. An Envelope element that identifies the XML document as a SOAP message
  2. A Header element that contains header information
  3. A Body element that contains call and response information
  4. A Fault element containing errors and status information

All the elements above are declared in the default namespace for the SOAP envelope:

and the default namespace for SOAP encoding and data types is:


A request in Flowize API is a petition to our server for retrieving information. Any Requests may be made using the HTTPS protocol. The protocol interface contains different method such as:

Method name Usage
DELETE DELETE is used to destroy information from Flowize. the DELETE method should be used.
GET GET is the simplest type of HTTP request method. It's used for Retrieve information related to an action. Data should never be modified on the server side as a result of a GET. the GET method should be used. request.
HEAD HEAD is used when we want to check metadata information. the HEAD method should be used to get the headers.
POST POST is used when we are creating a new resource in a collection. the POST method should be used.
PUT PUT is used when we want to update the resource identified by the URL. the PUT method should be used.

HTTP Statuses

Flowize API responds always with a valid and standard HTTP status code. The status code can be success or include errors code.

Example Success response: HTTP/1.1 201 Created

  "resource": {
    "creation_date": "2016-05-03 11:47:38",
    "modified_date": "2016-05-03 11:47:38"
  "message": "Schema structure is created successfully"

Flowize uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted, error in the authentication, etc.), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with Flowize 's servers.

Code Description
200 - OK Everything worked correctly.
201 - Created It was created as expected.
400 - Bad Request The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
401 - Unauthorized The permissions are not correct.
402 - Request Failed The parameters were valid but the request failed.
403 - Forbidden Your request is not allowed. This can produce internal errors code: 436 - Access token not valid, 437 - Ip not valid.
404 - Not Found The requested resource doesn't exist.
408 - Request Timeout The client did not produce a request within the time that the server was prepared to wait. Try later.
409 - Conflict The request conflicts with another request (maybe due to using the same key).
429 - Too Many Requests Too many requests hit the API too quickly.
500, 502,503,504 - Server Errors We had a problem with our server. Try again later.


Example Responses: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "resource": {
    "access_token": "0cd92bf4ed94ec8f5f8506c8f1c8135ab2463db3cc23f2ca3f1a8ad2dad434cc",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "refresh_token": "633d3d4493db0b4abaa1645987acf9e3375daef05b38b8c08571f661a190b808",
    "expires_in": 1463396689,
    "scopes": null
  "message": "The credentials are valid"

After a request is sent to the server, API will provide a HTTP response using JSON format object. Only some exception are included when we are using HEAD methods that the response body will be empty.

Depending on the request the response body will be filled in with a different structure.

Rate Limit

Example Rate Limiting headers

X-RateLimit-Limit: 1000
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 989
X-RateLimit-Reset: 2173

Example Rate Limiting response: HTTP/1.1 429 Too many requests

  "resource": [],
  "error": {
    "code": 429,
    "message": "Too many requests."

To prevent abuse, it is standard practice to add some sort of rate limiting to an API. RFC 6585 introduced a HTTP status code 429 Too Many Requests to accommodate this.

However, it can be very useful to notify the consumer of their limits before they actually hit it. This is an area that currently lacks standards but has a number of popular conventions using HTTP response headers.

At a minimum, include the following headers (using Twitter's naming conventions as headers typically don't have mid-word capitalization):


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;
Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
ETag: "8bfb3ec0848ea5a05f5107e49ff7e8f2"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;
Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
If-None-Match: "8bfb3ec0848ea5a05f5107e49ff7e8f2"
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Content-Type: application/json;
Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Length: 0

If you are caching resources (API responses) for sufficiently long periods of time (hours, days, potentially months) you usually do not have to worry about the issues related to date-time-based caching, which were described in the previous section.

For facilitating caching of near-static data, where we have no reliable clue about when data will become stale but we know it won’t happen too soon and yet it will happen, you could use two approaches:

Once the client receives the response and sees the ETag value, it should save the ETag and the response in the local store and issue subsequent requests to the same data with the If-None-Match header that points to the value of the ETag saved.

If the data-set hasn’t modified on the server, the server must respond with HTTP 304 and an empty body.

Using Last-Modified

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;
Last-Modified: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Length: 15608

In this workflow, for each response, the server provides a “Last-Modified” header in the response, containing the last date the specific data was modified.

If the data-set has modified on the server, the server must respond with a full HTTP 200 response and the new value of ETag.

Once the client receives the response and sees the Last-Modified header, it should save the value of the Last-Modified date-time and the corresponding response in the local store (cache).

API Key authorization

There are some cases where Customer has got an internal configuration and it can't implement OAuth 2 implementation. On that cases, Flowize provides another communication method using the API key generated in the customer section. This API key is unique per customer and it hasn't an expiration date. So all the transaction in the API will be done without an expiration time.

To use the API key authorization when we are creating an application inside the platform it will be necessary to switch off OAuth 2 option.

URL authorization

URL Request

Example Request:
$ curl -X GET "{{api_key}}&app_key={{app_key}}&flow_name={{flow_name}}&scopes={{scopes}}&uuid={{uuid}}&realtime={{executiontime}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

There is some cases when a customer can't modified HTTP header that he needs to pass all parameters by GET. On that case, Flowize provides a Security private network to pass all these variables on the GET url.

OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2 is an authorization framework that enables applications to obtain limited access to user accounts on an HTTP service, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Flowize. It works by delegating user authentication to the service that hosts the user account, and authorizing third-party applications to access the user account. OAuth 2 provides authorization flows for web and desktop applications, and mobile devices.

This informational guide is geared towards application developers, and provides an overview of OAuth 2 roles, authorization grant types, use cases, and flows.

OAuth Roles

OAuth defines four roles:

Application Registration

Each integration should have its own client_id and client_secret.

Before using OAuth with your application, you must register your application with the service. This is done through a application section in Flowize Front End, where you will provide the following information (and probably details about your application). Flowize has implemented Client Credentials grant so redirect Uri parameter is not necessary:

Flowize provides to the client to use its own API Web Services in 3 party software. To use it, first Client needs to register an application in Flowize.

This section contains an overview with the client applications that are using our API connection. A client can have more than one application independently.

The registration process will require the following fields:

Field name Type Default Required Description
Application Name string(128) - Yes This is the application name. It is an unique identifier and can not be repeated.
Application Description string(512) - No This is the description of the application.
api_key string(512) - Yes A 512 char string to identify the client communications with the system. Client needs to provide its own Apikey from his profile account.
IPs list allowed text - Yes In this field client need to include the IPs list that are going to connect to Flowize API.
Scopes text - Yes To may request grants access to each method onto the API Web services

After creating an application, then Flowize will supply a client_id and a client_secret with which he may access Flowize API.

Client ID and Client Secret

Once your application is registered, the service will issue "client credentials" in the form of a client identifier and a client secret. The Client ID is a publicly exposed string that is used by the service API to identify the application, and is also used to build authorization URLs that are presented to users. The Client Secret is used to authenticate the identity of the application to the service API when the application requests to access a user's account, and must be kept private between the application and the API.

Authorization Grant

Flowize is using Client credentials grant.

Example Request:
$ curl -X GET ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "client_id: XXXXXX"
-H "client_secret: XXXXXX"
-H "grant_type: client_credentials"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

 Make sure to replace: `client_id` and `client_secret` with your credentials.

OAuth 2.0 is a very flexible standard and can be adapted to work in many different scenarios. The core specification describes four Authorization grants:

Grant Type: Client Credentials

The client credentials grant type provides an application a way to access its own service account. This grant is suitable for machine-to-machine authentication, for example would be a client making requests to an API that don’t require user’s permission.

The application requests an access token by sending its credentials, its client ID and client secret, to the authorization server


To authorize, use this code:

Example Request:
$ curl -X GET ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "client_id: {{client_id}}"
-H "client_secret: {{client_secret}}"
-H "grant_type: client_credentials"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Make sure to replace: `client_id` and `client_secret` with your credentials.

All requests are made to endpoints beginning:

All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain https will fail.

First client must register an application on the Dashboard.

Client applications must log in using valid credentials for an organization. The server authenticates these credentials and, if valid, provides the client application with:

Use the checkAuthentication() call to log in to the login server and start a client session. A client application must log in and obtain a access_token and server URL before making any other API calls.

When a client application invokes the checkAuthentication() call, it passes in a client_id and client_secret as user credentials. Upon invocation, the API authenticates the credentials and returns the access_token for the session, the user ID associated with the logged-in client id, and a URL that points to the Flowize API to use in all subsequent API calls.

A successful token request will return a standard access token in JSON format:

  "message":"The credentials are valid"

The process to acquire a token:

Parameter Type Default Required Description
client_id string(512) - Yes Client integration’s clientApiId. The client_id we will supply the client that identifies his integration.
client_secret string(512) - Yes Client integration’s client_secret.
grant_type string(256) - Yes This is the protocol that Flowize is going to use to provide you an access token.

The response contains the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Required Description
access_token string - Yes A token that is valid for X days and may be used to perform authenticated requests on behalf of the user.
refresh_token_id string - Yes A token that does not expire which may be used to acquire a new access_token.
expires_in int64 - Yes The timestamp in unix time when the access_token will expire.
scope string - No The scope list. This should be null when you are using authentication call.
  You must treat both session id and refresh session id
  like passwords and store them securely.

  Both session id and refresh tokens are consecutive strings of hex digits,
  like this: `2453db5c89000fe35d415a34f67c`

To acquire a new access token we need to call to Refresh Token method using a refresh token.

Flowize checks the IP address from which the client application is logging in, and blocks logins from unknown IP addresses. For a blocked login via the API, Flowize returns a login fault.

REST and SOAP API uses for every envelope a Header object with a access_token. This access_token will be valid during amount of time.

 curl_setopt (
   $curl_handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
   array ('Authentication: Bearer **access_token**')
        <AccessToken xsi:type="xsd:string">string</AccessToken>

Refresh Token

Refresh access token value.

Example Request:
$ curl -X GET ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "client_id: {{client_id}}"
-H "client_secret: {{client_secret}}"
-H "refresh_token": {{refresh_token}}"
-H "grant_type: client_credentials"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

 Make sure to replace: `client_id` and `client_secret` with your credentials.

After an access token expires, using it to make a request from the API will result in an "Invalid Token Error". So using the refresh_token parameter, obtained in the authentication process, will be able to get a new access token.

Parameter Type Default Required Description
refresh_token string - Yes A valid refresh token.
client_id string - Yes The Client integration’s clientId
client_secret string - Yes The Client integration’s clientSecret.
grant_type string client_credentials Yes Flowize only allows client credentials type.


Flowize uses REST, or in the full form, Representational State Transfer has become the standard design architecture for developing web APIs. At its heart REST is a stateless client-server relationship; this means that unlike many other approaches there is no client context being stored server side (no Sessions). To counteract that, each request contains all the information necessary for the server to authenticate the user, and any session state data that must be sent as well.

REST takes advantage of the HTTP request methods to layer itself into the existing HTTP architecture. These operations consist of the following:

By creating URI endpoints that utilize these operations, a RESTful API is quickly assembled.

All methods in the API should follow the flow diagram below:

Alt text

Picture 1: RESTful API

Endpoints API Methods

The API uses the following list:

HTTP Method Endpoint Usage Returns
OPTIONS /v1/options Helper to gets the list of methods in the api. methods
GET /v1/checkauthentication Gets the session id after checking customer credentials. access_token
GET /v1/refreshtoken Regenerates a new access token. access_token
POST /v1/schema Inserts a Data Schema structure per customer. schema
GET /v1/schema Gets the Data Schema Structure. schema
PUT /v1/schema Updates the customer Data Schema. schema
DELETE /v1/schema Removes the customer Data Schema. schema id
GET /v1/record/:id Gets a Record Data with identifier :id. record
POST /v1/record Inserts a Data Record structure. record
PUT /v1/record Updates a Data Record with identifier :id. record
DELETE /v1/record Removes a Data Record with identifier :id. record id
PUT /v1/record/search Search your data records by different query parameters. record array
PUT /v1/record/movetoflow Move one or more data records to another flow. record array
PUT /v1/record/changestatus Change the status of a record in the queue. record array
POST /v1/webhook Inserts Data using a Webhook Protocol. webhook
GET /v1/flowdiagram Gets information related to a Flow Diagram. flowdiagram
PUT /v1/changeflowstatus Updates the flow status changeflowstatus
GET /v1/keystore Gets the data saved in the keystore_id with the given keystore_key keystore_data
POST /v1/keystore Inserts data in the keystore_id with the given keystore_key keystore_data
PUT /v1/keystore Inserts/Update data in the keystore_id with the given keystore_key keystore_data
DELETE /v1/keystore Deletes data in the keystore_id with the given keystore_key json
POST /v1/keystore Search for data in the keystore identifier keystore_data array
GET /v1/tables Gets the data saved in one of your Tables given the table_name and a numeric ID table_data
POST /v1/tables Inserts a new data row in a Table json
PUT /v1/tables Updates data in a Table with with a given ID json
DELETE /v1/tables Deletes the given ID from a Table json
POST /v1/tables Search for data in a Table table_data array
GET /v1/environment Gets list of the Environments of the Organization environment_data array
GET /v1/environment/:id Gets an Environments by ID environment_data
GET /v1/environment/:id/status Retrieves the status of the server json
POST /v1/environment Creates a new Environment in the organization json
POST /v1/environment/:id Updates some information of the Environment like the name, description, SSL certificates json
DELETE /v1/environment/:id Deletes an Environment json
POST /v1/environment/:id/upgrade Upgrades the Environment to a new package or increases its storage json
POST /v1/environment/:id/update-version Updates the Environment to the latest version json
POST /v1/environment/:id/optimize Optimizes the storage of the Environment json
GET /v1/environment/:id/projects Outputs information about the Projects that are currently hosted in the Environment project_data array
POST /v1/environment/:id/project/:project_id Adds/Updates the Project {project_id} to the Environment if it does not exist. json
DELETE /v1/environment/:id/project/:project_id Deletes Project from an Environment json

curl -X GET -G '' \


Check Authentication

Check if the credentials are correctly and then returns a JSON structure with the access token. This method is only required when the option is oAuth2.

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X GET ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "client_id: {{client_id}}}"
-H "client_secret: {{client_secret}}}"
-H "grant_type: client_credentials"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

  "resource": {
    "access_token": "{{access_token}}}",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "refresh_token": "{{refresh_token}}}",
    "expires_in": 1462719906,
    "scopes": null
  "message": "The credentials are valid"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
client_id string(512) - Yes Client integration’s client_id. The client_id we will supply the client that identifies his integration.
client_secret string(512) - Yes Client integration’s client_secret.
grant_type string - Yes The only grant type available in Flowize is client_credentials

URL Params


Generate a new token

Returns JSON structure with a new session ID regenerate.

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X GET ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "client_id: {{client_id}}"
-H "client_secret: {{client_secret}}"
-H "refresh_token: {{refresh_token}}"
-H "grant_type: client_credentials"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Make sure to replace: `client_id` and `client_secret` with your credentials.

After an access token expires, using it to make a request from the API will result in an "Invalid Token Error". So using the refresh_token parameter, obtained in the authentication process, will be able to get a new access token.

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

  "resource": {
    "access_token": "{{access_token}}}",
    "expires_at": 1462532689
  "message": "The token has been generated"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
refresh_token string - Yes A valid refresh token identifier.
client_id string - Yes The Client integration’s clientId
client_secret string - Yes The Client integration’s clientSecret.
grant_type string client_credentials Yes Flowize only allows client credentials type.

URL Params


Data Schema

Create new Schema

Insert the customer Data Schema.

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X POST ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "grant_type: client_credentials"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"
-H "X-Scopes: schema"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
-d '{
    "schema" : "base64({{schema}})",
    "data_record": "base64({{data_record}})",
    "url": ""

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X POST ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-H "X-App: {{app_key}}"
-H "X-Scopes: schema"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
-d '{
    "schema" : "base64({{schema}})",
    "data_record": "base64({{data_record}})",
    "url": ""

HTTP Request using URL:

$ curl -X POST "{{api_key}}&
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
-d '{
    "schema" : "base64({{schema}})",
    "data_record": "base64({{data_record}})",
    "url": ""

Success Response - Status: 201-Created:

  "resource": {
    "creation_date": "2016-05-03 11:47:38",
    "modified_date": "2016-05-03 11:47:38"
  "message": "Schema structure is created successfully"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required OAuth2 Apikey Description
Content-Type string - Yes Yes Yes Content type has to be application/json.
Authorization string - Yes Yes No Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2
X-Scopes string - Yes Yes Yes Can be included a list of scopes to get the permission. Available for this request: schema
X-Apikey string - Yes No Yes Authorization format should be using customer {{api_key}} credentials.
X-App string - Yes No Yes Application unique identifier

Payload Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
schema string - Yes JSON Schema structure in version 4 format. The Schema has to be encoded in Base 64.
data_record array - Yes A JSON structure which contains the customer object of the clients data record. The Data Record has to be encoded in Base 64.
url string - Yes Schema is using version 4. And the URL parameter is required but it's not being used.

Moreover, the schema structure has to be encoded in Base 64 as well as the data record field.

Get the customer schema

Returns a JSON structure with the Data Schema Structure.

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X GET ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"
-H "X-Scopes:"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X GET ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-App: {{app_key}}"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-H "X-Scopes:"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

HTTP Request using URL:

$ curl -X GET "{{scopes}}&
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

  "resource": {
    "url": "",
    "schema": "base64({{schema}})",
    "creation_date": "2016-05-03 11:53:44",
    "modified_date": "2016-05-03 11:53:44",
    "customer": "{{customer_name}}"
  "message": "Schema structure is retrieving successfully"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
Authorization string - Yes Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2
X-Scopes string - Yes Can be included a list of scopes to get the permission. Available for this request: schema OR

URL Params

Only on URL or API Key authorization cases:

$ curl -X GET "{{app_key}}&api_key={{api_key}}&"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Parameter Type Default Required Description
app_key string - Yes Interface identifier
api_key string - Yes Your API key
scopes string - Yes Can be included a list of scopes to get the permission. Available for this request: schema OR

Update a customer Schema

Updates the customer Data Schema.

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X PUT ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"
-H "X-Scopes: schema"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
-d '{
    "schema" : "base64({{schema}})",
    "data_record": "base64({{data_record}})",
    "url": ""

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X PUT ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-H "X-App: {{app_key}}"
-H "X-Scopes: schema"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
-d '{
    "schema" : "base64({{schema}})",
    "data_record": "base64({{data_record}})",
    "url": ""

HTTP Request using Url:

$ curl -X PUT "{{api_key}}&
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
-d '{
    "schema" : "base64({{schema}})",
    "data_record": "base64({{data_record}})",
    "url": ""

Success Response - Status: 201-Created:

  "resource": {
    "creation_date": "2016-05-03 11:47:38",
    "modified_date": "2016-05-03 11:47:38"
  "message": "Schema structure is updated successfully"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
Authorization string - Yes Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2
X-Scopes string - Yes Can be included a list of scopes to get the permission. Available for this request: schema

Payload Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
schema string - Yes JSON Schema structure in version 4 format. The Schema has to be encoded in Base 64.
data_record array - Yes A JSON structure which contains the customer object of the clients data record. The Data Record has to be encoded in Base 64.
url string - Yes Schema is using version 4. And the URL parameter is required but it's not being used.

Moreover, the schema structure has to be encoded in Base 64 as well as the data record field.

URL Params

Only on URL or API Key authorization cases:

Parameter Type Default Required Description
app_key string - Yes Interface identifier
api_key string - Yes Your API key
scopes string - Yes Can be included a list of scopes to get the permission. Available for this request: schema

Delete the Schema

Removes the customer Data Schema.

HTTP Request:

$ curl -X GET ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "client_id: {{client_id}}}"
-H "client_secret: {{client_secret}}}"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Success Response - Status: 201-OK:

  "resource": {
  "message": "Schema has been removed successfully"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
client_id string(512) - Yes Client integration’s client_id. The client_id we will supply the client that identifies his integration.
client_secret string(512) - Yes Client integration’s client_secret.

Payload Params


URL Params


Data Record

Create new Data Record

Insert a single or an array of Record Data.

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X POST"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}}"
-H "X-Scopes: record"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
-H "X-Flow": "{{flow_name}}"
-H "X-Uuid": "{{uuid}} (Optional)"
-H "X-Priority": "50 (Optional: Number from 100 (lowest) to 0 (highest))"
-H "X-Executiontime: {{empty/2009-11-04T19:55:41Z}}"
-d "{{payload}}"

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X POST"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-H "X-App: {{app_key}}"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
-H "X-Flow": "{{flow_name}}"
-H "X-Uuid": "{{uuid}} (Optional)"
-H "X-Priority": "50 (Optional: Number from 100 (lowest) to 0 (highest))"
-H "X-Executiontime: {{empty/2009-11-04T19:55:41Z}}"
-d "{{payload}}"

HTTP Request using URL:

$ curl -X POST{{api_key}}&
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
-d "{{payload}}"

Success Response - Status: 201-Created:

  "resource": {
    "flow_id": "{{flow_id}}",
    "flow_name": "{{flow_name}}",
    "data_record_id": "{{datarecord_id}}",
    "data_record": {
      "client": [
          "uuid": "",
          "name": "",
          "street": "",
          "house_number": true,
          "postcode": "",
          "age": 0,
          "country": true,
          "raw_data": true,
          "post_id": "",
          "post_text": "",
          "post_url": true,
          "accounts": [
              "dossier_no": "",
              "iban": "",
              "bic": "",
              "payment_method": "",
              "invoices": [
                  "invoice_date": "",
                  "invoice_number": "",
                  "amount": "",
                  "expiration_date": ""
  "message": "Data Record is created successfully"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required OAuth2 Apikey Description
Content-Type string - Yes Yes Yes Content type has to be application/json or application/xml.
Authorization string - Yes Yes No Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2
X-Apikey string - Yes No Yes Authorization format should be using customer {{api_key}} credentials.
X-App string - Yes No Yes Application unique identifier
X-Uuid string - No Yes Yes This parameter is optional and it is the unique identifier of the data record. if it's not included will be generated automatically by the system otherwise it is custom identifier by the customer.
X-Flow string - Yes Yes Yes It is the flow name identifier. If flow identifier is not set then we are going to use the flow name.
X-Priority number 50 No Yes Yes This parameter is optional and defines the priority in which the data records will be executed. By default is 50, and you can put a number from 100 (lowest) to 0 (highest).
X-Executiontime ATOM - No Yes Yes This parameter is used to run a flow diagram in that flawless moment. The date format is ATOM format. i.e: 2005-08-15T15:52:01+00:00. By default is off (runtime). It can be empty real time or a atom date to be scheduled.

Payload Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
data_record array - Yes An array of strings which are the keys used in the customer object of the clients data record. The payload is directly the data content.

Moreover, it contains an array of strings which are the keys used in the details object of the clients data record. The Data Record has to be injected in Raw format in the payload. We don't have to assign the data record structure to any variable.

Using URL Communication

If we are using URL Communication we need to pass the variables by GET.

Get a Data Record

Returns JSON structure with the Record Data with identifier :id.

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X GET ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}}"
-H "X-Scopes:"
-H "X-Uuid: {{uuid}}"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X GET ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-H "X-App: {{app_key}}"
-H "X-Uuid: {{uuid}}"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

HTTP Request using Url:

$ curl -X GET "{{api_key}}&
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

  "resource": {
    "info": {
      "uuid": "{{uuid}}}",
      "customer_id": "{{customer_id}}",
      "flow_id": "{{flow_id}}",
      "date_created": "2016-05-03 11:06:41",
      "status": "Not running"
    "data_record": {
      "client": [
          "uuid": "",
          "name": "",
          "street": "",
          "house_number": true,
          "postcode": "",
          "age": 0,
          "country": true,
          "raw_data": true,
          "post_id": "",
          "post_text": "",
          "post_url": true,
          "accounts": [
              "dossier_no": "",
              "iban": "",
              "bic": "",
              "payment_method": "",
              "invoices": [
                  "invoice_date": "",
                  "invoice_number": "",
                  "amount": "",
                  "expiration_date": ""
    "flow_process": {
      "date_started": "",
      "date_last_run": ""
    "flow_objects_info": []
  "message": "Data Record structure was retrieving successfully"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required OAuth2 Apikey Description
Content-Type string - Yes Yes Yes Content type has to be application/json.
Authorization string - Yes Yes No Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2
X-Uuid string - Yes Yes Yes This parameter is the unique identifier of the data record. if it's not included will be generated automatically by the system

URL Params

Only on URL or API Key authorization cases:

Parameter Type Default Required Description
uuid string - Yes This parameter is the unique identifier of the data record. if it's not included will be generated automatically by the system.
app_key string - Yes Interface identifier
api_key string - Yes Your API key

Update a Data Record

Updates a Data Record or multiples Data Record.

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X PUT ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"
-H "X-Scopes: record"
-H "X-Uuid: {{uuid}}"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
-d '{

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X PUT ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-H "X-App: {{app_key}}"
-H "X-Uuid: {{uuid}}"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
-d '{

HTTP Request using Url:

$ curl -X PUT "{{api_key}}&
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
-d '{

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

  "resource": {
    "flow_name": "{{flow_name}}",
    "customer_id": "{{customer_id}}",
    "uuid": "{{uuid}}",
    "data_record": {
      "client": [
          "uuid": "",
          "name": "",
          "street": "",
          "house_number": true,
          "postcode": "",
          "age": 0,
          "country": true,
          "raw_data": true,
          "post_id": "",
          "post_text": "",
          "post_url": true,
          "accounts": [
              "dossier_no": "",
              "iban": "",
              "bic": "",
              "payment_method": "",
              "invoices": [
                  "invoice_date": "",
                  "invoice_number": "",
                  "amount": "",
                  "expiration_date": ""
  "message": "Data Record was updated successfully"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required OAuth2 Apikey Description
Content-Type string - Yes Yes Yes Content type has to be application/json.
Authorization string - Yes Yes No Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2
X-Apikey string - Yes No Yes Authorization format should be using customer {{api_key}} credentials.
X-App string - Yes No Yes Application unique identifier
X-Scopes string - Yes Yes Yes Can be included a list of scopes to get the permission. Available for this request: record
X-Uuid string - Yes Yes Yes This parameter is the unique identifier of the data record.

Payload Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
no string - Yes JSON string that contains the data record of a client. This JSON string should be directly including on the payload.

Moreover, it contains an array of strings which are the keys used in the details object of the clients data record. The Data Record has to be injected in Raw format in the payload. We don't have to assign the data record structure to any variable.

Using URL Communication

If we are using URL Communication we need to pass the variables by GET.

Delete a Data Record

Removes a specific Data Record.

HTTP Request using oAuth2 and Headers:

$ curl -X DELETE ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "client_id: {{client_id}}}"
-H "client_secret: {{client_secret}}}"
-H "scopes: {{record.delete}}"
-H "uuid: {{uuid}}}"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

HTTP Request using Url:

$ curl -X DELETE "{{api_key}}&
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

  "resource": {
    "flow_name": "{{flow_name}}",
    "uuid": "{{uuid}}"
  "message": "Data Record was removed successfully"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required OAuth2 Apikey Description
Content-Type string - Yes Yes Yes Content type has to be application/json.
client_id string(512) - Yes Yes No Client integration’s client_id. The client_id we will supply the client that identifies his integration.
client_secret string(512) - Yes Yes No Client integration’s client_secret.

Payload Params


URL Params

Only on URL or API Key authorization cases:

Parameter Type Default Required Description
uuid string - Yes This parameter is the unique identifier of the data record you want to delete
app_key string - Yes Interface identifier
api_key string - Yes Your API key

Search data records by query

Browse your data records by different query parameters

HTTP Request using Url:

curl -X GET -G '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d 'api_key={{api_key}}' \
-d 'app_key={{interface_name}}' \
-d 'date_type=date_created' \
-d 'date_from=31-12-2017 12:00:00'

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

  "id": "ok",
  "code": 200,
  "request-ip": "{{ip}}",
  "resource": {
    "records": [
        "id": "{{id}}",
        "uuid": "{{uuid}}",
        "flow_id": "{{flow_id}}",
        "flow_name": "{{flow_name}}",
        "flow_version": "1",
        "date_created": "2017-07-21 16:45:17",
        "date_started": "2017-07-25 09:46:53",
        "date_last_run": "2017-07-25 13:27:58",
        "date_next_run": "",
        "queue_status": "",
        "dynamic_value": "",
        "current_step": {
          "type": "end",
          "text": "end"
        "num_runs": "2",
        "flow_status": "2",
        "flow_status_name": "Finished"
        "id": "{{id}}",
        "uuid": "{{uuid}}",
        "flow_id": "{{flow_id}}",
        "flow_name": "{{flow_name}}",
        "flow_version": "1",
        "date_created": "2017-07-21 16:38:11",
        "date_started": "2017-07-21 16:38:29",
        "date_last_run": "2017-07-21 16:38:28",
        "date_next_run": "",
        "queue_status": "",
        "dynamic_value": "",
        "current_step": {
          "type": "end",
          "text": "end"
        "num_runs": "1",
        "flow_status": "2",
        "flow_status_name": "Finished"
    "total": 4,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 10
  "message": "The query has been executed successfully.",
  "error": null

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
X-Apikey string - Yes Your API key to authorise the query.
X-App string - Yes The name of the interface to use.
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
X-limit int 10 No Maximum number of records to get in the result.
X-offset int - No Used to paginate result.
X-uuid string - No The unique identifier of the data record.
X-flow string - No Name of the flow.
X-datarecord-status int - No Possible values: 0 not started, new or paused, 1 processing, 2 finished, 3 finished with errors, 4 scheduled, 5 reviewed, 6 errors handled.
X-datafield-name string - No Name of the custom data field.
X-datafield-value string - No Specific value to search by.

If Header parameters are present, URL parameters will be omitted.

Payload Params


URL Params

Only on URL or API Key authorization cases:

Parameter Type Default Required Description
api_key string - Yes Your API key
app_key string - Yes Interface identifier
limit int 10 No Maximum number of records to get in the result.
offset int - No Used to paginate result.

Search by UUID:

Parameter Type Default Required Description
uuid string - No The unique identifier of the data record.

Search by flow name:

Parameter Type Default Required Description
flow_name string - No Name of the flow.

Search by a custom mapped data field:

Parameter Type Default Required Description
datafield_name string - No Name of the custom data field.
datafield_value string - No Specific value to search by.

Search by data record status:

Parameter Type Default Required Description
datarecord_status string - No Possible values: 0 not started, new or paused, 1 processing, 2 finished, 3 finished with errors, 4 scheduled, 5 reviewed, 6 errors handled.

HTTP Request search data records using Headers:

curl -X GET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Apikey: {{app_key}}' \
-H 'X-App: {{interface_name}}' \
-H 'X-Datarecord-status: 2'

HTTP Request search data records using URL parameters:

curl -X GET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d 'api_key={{api_key}}' \
-d 'app_key={{interface_name}}' \
-d 'datarecord_status=2' \

Search by date:

Parameter Type Default Required Description
date_type string - No Possible values: date_created, date_started, date_last_run
date_to string - No Get results up until this date. Date format example: 2017-12-31 24:00:00.
date_from string - No Get results from this date. Date format example: 2017-12-31 24:00:00.

Execute queue actions

Change the status of a record in the queue

HTTP Request using Headers:

curl -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Apikey: {{api_key}}' \
-H 'X-App: {{interface_name}}' \
-H 'X-Queue-Status: resume-and-continue' \
-H 'X-Queue-Uuids: {{uuid}}' \

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "id": "ok",
    "code": 200,
    "request-ip": "{{ip}}",
    "resource": {
        "records": [
                "uuid": "{{uuid}}",
                "queue_status": "0",
                "queue_status_key": "New"
        "total": 1
    "message": "1 datarecords resumed from error status",
    "error": null

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
X-Apikey string - Yes Your API key to authorise the query.
X-App string - Yes The name of the interface to use.
X-Queue-Uuids string - No The UUID or UUIDs of the records to change the status (can also be sent in the payload as an array).
X-Queue-Status string - Yes Desired new status. Possible values: pause-queue, resume-queue, execute-queue, delete-from-queue, resume-and-continue

Payload Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Array of UUIDs array - No The UUID or UUIDs of the records to apply changes instead of using X-Queue-Uuids header.

URL Params


Move to flow

Move one or more data records to another flow

HTTP Request using Headers:

curl -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Apikey: {{api_key}}' \
-H 'X-App: {{interface_name}}' \
-H 'X-MoveToFlow-Flow: {{target_flow}}' \
-d '[

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "id": "ok",
    "code": 200,
    "request-ip": "{{ip}}",
    "resource": {
        "records": [
                "uuid": "{{uuid_1}}",
                "message": "Data Record is moved to a new flow successfully and it is included in the queue.",
                "movetoflow": "{{target_flow}}"
                "uuid": "{{uuid_2}}",
                "message": "Data Record is moved to a new flow successfully and it is included in the queue.",
                "movetoflow": "{{target_flow}}"
        "total": 1
    "message": "2 flows moved to the new one",
    "error": null

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
X-Apikey string - Yes Your API key to authorise the query.
X-App string - Yes The name of the interface to use.
X-MoveToFlow-Flow string - Yes The name of the target flow to move the records.

Payload Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Array of UUIDs array - Yes The UUID or UUIDs of the records to move to the specified flow.

URL Params



Using the webhook

Insert an external structure.

HTTP Request:

$ curl -X POST{{webhook_uri}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
 -d "{{payload}}"

Success Response - Status: 201-Created:

  "resource": {
    "_id": {
      "$id": "{{identifier}}}"
    "customer_id": "{{customer_id}}",
    "plugin_id": "{{plugin_id}}",
    "application_id": "{{application_id}}",
    "date_created": "2016-05-03T14:27:20+02:00",
    "data": {
      "flow_id": "{{flow_id}}"
  "message": "Data stored successfully"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.

URL Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
webhook_uri string - Yes The webhook uri is created in the webhook protocol section inside Flowize Front End.

Payload Params

This structure is dynamically from external resources.


Get Flow Diagram

Gets information related to a Flow Diagram.

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X GET ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"
-H "X-Scopes:"
-H "X-Flow: {{flow_name}}"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X GET ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-App: {{app_key}}"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-H "X-Scopes:"
-H "X-Flow: {{flow_name}}"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

HTTP Request using URL:

$ curl -X GET "{{scopes}}&
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

  "id" : {{http code}}
  "resource": {
    "customer": "{{customer_name}}",
    "flow_name": "{{flow_name}}",
    "description": "{{description}}",
    "current_flow": "{{flow_information}}",
    "versions": "{{versions}}"
  "message": "Flow diagram is retrieving successfully"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
Authorization string - Yes Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2
X-Scopes string - Yes Can be included a list of scopes to get the permission. Available for this request: schema OR

URL Params

Only on URL or API Key authorization cases:

Parameter Type Default Required Description
app_key string - Yes Interface identifier
api_key string - Yes Your API key
scopes string - Yes Can be included a list of scopes to get the permission. Available for this request: schema OR
flow_name string - Yes This field is the name of the flow diagram.

Change flow status

Updates the flow status.

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X PUT ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"
-H "X-Scopes: flowdiagram"
-H "X-Flow-Id: {{flow_id}}"
-H "X-Status: {{status}}"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X PUT ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-H "X-App: {{app_key}}"
-H "X-Scopes: flowdiagram"
-H "X-Flow-Id: {{flow_id}}"
-H "X-Status: {{status}}"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
-d '{

HTTP Request using Url:

$ curl -X PUT "{{api_key}}&
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

   "id": "ok",
   "resource": "",
   "message": "Flow diagram has been stopped successfully"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required OAuth2 Apikey Description
Content-Type string - Yes Yes Yes Content type has to be application/json.
Authorization string - Yes Yes No Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2
X-Apikey string - Yes No Yes Authorization format should be using customer {{api_key}} credentials.
X-App string - Yes No Yes Application unique identifier
X-Scopes string - Yes Yes Yes Can be included a list of scopes to get the permission. Available for this request: record
X-Flow-Id integer - Yes Yes No This parameter is the unique identifier of the flow diagram.
X-Status string - Yes Yes No Possible values: public (to publish a draft flow), paused (to pause a running flow), running (to resume a paused flow), inactive (to deactivate a flow).

Payload Params


Using URL Communication

If we are using URL Communication we need to pass the variables by GET.


Get Keystore data

Gets the data saved in the keystore identifier {{keystore_id}} with the given {{keystore_key}}. For example: your keystore_id can be 'weather' because you want to store weather information of different cities there. A keystore_key can be "london". This way, you will be able to retrieve the "weather" data of "london".

If that keystore_key does not exist yet in the keystore, it will be created with the empty structure defined for that keystore_id.

The response can be retrieved in JSON, XML or PLAIN TEXT. The PLAIN TEXT format is useful when you want to retrieve information for a RAW type keystore

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X GET "{{keystore_id}}/{{keystore_key}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X GET "{{keystore_id}}/{{keystore_key}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"

HTTP Request using URL:

$ curl -X GET "{{keystore_id}}/{{keystore_key}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:


HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json, application/xml or text/plain and it determines the format of the output that you will receive.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required only if you don't use oAuth2.
Authorization string - No Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2

URL Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
keystore_id string - Yes This is the internal identifier of the KeyStore. It has to be unique.
keystore_key string - Yes The key of the data that you want to retrieve.

Insert Keystore data

Inserts data in the keystore identifier {{keystore_id}} with the given {{keystore_key}} if it does not exist. Otherwise, throws a 409 error.

The response will be the data stored with that keystore_key and it can be retrieved in JSON, XML or PLAIN TEXT. The PLAIN TEXT format is useful when you want to retrieve information for a RAW type keystore

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X POST "{{keystore_id}}/{{keystore_key}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"
-d "{{keystore_data}}"

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X POST "{{keystore_id}}/{{keystore_key}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-d "{{keystore_data}}"

HTTP Request using URL:

$ curl -X POST "{{keystore_id}}/{{keystore_key}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-d "{{keystore_data}}"

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:


HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json, application/xml or text/plain and it determines the format of the output that you will receive.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required only if you don't use oAuth2.
Authorization string - No Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2

URL Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
keystore_id string - Yes This is the internal identifier of the KeyStore. It has to be unique.
keystore_key string - Yes The key of the data that you want to insert.

Payload Params

This is the data that you want to save, in JSON, XML or Plain text.

Insert or Update Keystore data

Updates data in the keystore identifier {{keystore_id}} with the given {{keystore_key}}. If the keystore_key does not exist yet it's created.

The response will be the data stored with that keystore_key and it can be retrieved in JSON, XML or PLAIN TEXT. The PLAIN TEXT format is useful when you want to retrieve information for a RAW type keystore

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X PUT "{{keystore_id}}/{{keystore_key}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"
-d "{{keystore_data}}"

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X PUT "{{keystore_id}}/{{keystore_key}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-d "{{keystore_data}}"

HTTP Request using URL:

$ curl -X PUT "{{keystore_id}}/{{keystore_key}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-d "{{keystore_data}}"

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:


HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json, application/xml or text/plain and it determines the format of the output that you will receive.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required only if you don't use oAuth2.
Authorization string - No Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2

URL Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
keystore_id string - Yes This is the internal identifier of the KeyStore. It has to be unique.
keystore_key string - Yes The key of the data that you want to update/insert.

Payload Params

This is the data that you want to save, in JSON, XML or Plain text.

Delete Keystore data

Deletes the given {{keystore_key}} from the keystore identifier {{keystore_id}}.

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X DELETE "{{keystore_id}}/{{keystore_key}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X DELETE "{{keystore_id}}/{{keystore_key}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"

HTTP Request using URL:

$ curl -X DELETE "{{keystore_id}}/{{keystore_key}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "id": "ok",
    "code": 200,
    "request-ip": "",
    "resource": null,
    "message": "Successfully deleted key {{keystore_key}} in keystore {{keystore_id}}",
    "error": null

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json, application/xml or text/plain and it determines the format of the output that you will receive.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required only if you don't use oAuth2.
Authorization string - No Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2

URL Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
keystore_id string - Yes This is the internal identifier of the KeyStore. It has to be unique.
keystore_key string - Yes The key of the data that you want to delete.

Payload Params


Search in Keystore data

Search for data in the keystore identifier {{keystore_id}}.

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X POST "{{keystore_id}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"
-d "{{search_json}}"

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X POST "{{keystore_id}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-d "{{search_json}}"

HTTP Request using URL:

$ curl -X POST "{{keystore_id}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-d "{{search_json}}"

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

        "MyKey": "Madrid",
        "temperature": "24",
        "all_info": "{\"temp\":24,\"wind\":\"5 km\\/h N\",\"city\":\"Madrid\"}"
        "MyKey": "London",
        "temperature": "15",
        "all_info": "{\"temp\":15,\"wind\":\"2 km\\/h S\",\"city\":\"London\"}"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json, application/xml or text/plain and it determines the format of the output that you will receive.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required only if you don't use oAuth2.
Authorization string - No Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2

URL Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
keystore_id string - Yes This is the internal identifier of the KeyStore. It has to be unique.

Payload Params


  "select": [
      "field": "keystore.key",
      "alias": "MyKey"
      "field": "temp.max",
      "alias": "temperature"
      "field": "*",
      "alias": "all_info"
  "where": {
    "condition": "OR",
    "rules": [
        "field": "temp.average",
        "operator": ">",
        "value": "25"
        "field": "city",
        "operator": "LIKE",
        "value": "lond%"

The JSON object used to search in the keystore is divided in two main areas:

SELECT parameters
Parameter Required Sample values Description
field Yes key or keystore.key Retrieves the keystore_key
* Retrieves the whole keystore_data as it was saved (JSON or Plain text)
temp.max If the data was saved in JSON, the JSON path to the value you want to retrieve
alias No temperature The name of the parameter that you want in the response. If it's not set up, the original name will be used
WHERE parameters
Parameter Required Sample values Description
condition No and or or If using several rules how they join together. By default, and will be used.
rules[].field Yes temp.average The JSON path to the value you want to filter by.
rules[].operator Yes = != <> < > <= >= LIKE The operator you want to use to compare the value at rules[].field
rules[].value Yes 25 or lond% The value you want to use to compare. The % when used with the LIKE operator will search for strings containing the value


Get Table data

Gets the data saved in one of your Tables given the table_name {{table_name}} and a numeric ID {{id}}.

The response can be retrieved in JSON or XML.

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X GET "{{table_name}}/{{id}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X GET "{{table_name}}/{{id}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"

HTTP Request using URL:

$ curl -X GET "{{table_name}}/{{id}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "data": [
            "id": "8",
            "date_created": "2019-04-09 15:31:21",
            "date_updated": "2019-04-09 15:33:01",
            "username": "myusername",
            "password": "7ff47e867e6166cb7e1fb1116a84de44",
            "type": "admin",
            "age": "18"
    "total": 1,
    "start_at": 0,
    "next_element": 1,
    "limit": 100,
    "offset": 0,
    "max_results": 1

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json or application/xml and it determines the format of the output that you will receive.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required only if you don't use oAuth2.
Authorization string - No Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Default Required Description
table_name string - Yes This is the name of the Table that you created. It has to be unique.
id integer - Yes The ID of the row that you want to retrieve.

Search in Table data

Search for data in the Table {{table_name}}.

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X POST "{{table_name}}/search"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"
-d "{
  "where": {
    "condition": "AND",
    "rules": [
        "field": "age",
        "operator": ">",
        "value": "35"
  "limit": 10,
  "offset": 0,
  "order_field": "age",
  "order_type": "desc"

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X POST "{{table_name}}/search"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-d "{
  "where": {
    "condition": "AND",
    "rules": [
        "field": "age",
        "operator": ">",
        "value": "35"
  "limit": 10,
  "offset": 0,
  "order_field": "age",
  "order_type": "desc"

HTTP Request using URL:

$ curl -X POST "{{table_name}}/search"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-d "{
  "where": {
    "condition": "AND",
    "rules": [
        "field": "age",
        "operator": ">",
        "value": "35"
  "limit": 10,
  "offset": 0,
  "order_field": "age",
  "order_type": "desc"

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "data": [
            "id": "625",
            "date_created": "2019-04-29 10:50:59",
            "date_updated": "2019-04-29 10:50:59",
            "username": "user1",
            "password": "e87f23c6bda7ca05c828c4c042db50ed",
            "age": 54
            "id": "34",
            "date_created": "2019-04-10 10:50:09",
            "date_updated": "2019-04-26 09:59:28",
            "username": "user12",
            "password": "lzDoaCPlVGrpOYfBqTPMkqMme+nQon7j",
            "age": 45
    "total": 10,
    "start_at": 0,
    "next_element": 10,
    "limit": 10,
    "offset": 0,
    "max_results": 206

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json or application/xml and it determines the format of the output that you will receive.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required only if you don't use oAuth2.
Authorization string - No Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Default Required Description
table_name string - Yes This is the name of the Table that you created. It has to be unique.

Payload Parameters


  "where": {
    "condition": "AND",
    "rules": [
        "field": "age",
        "operator": ">",
        "value": "35"
  "limit": 10,
  "offset": 0,
  "order_field": "age",
  "order_type": "desc"

The JSON object used to search in your Table is divided in:

SEARCH parameters
Parameter Required Sample values Default Description
limit No 10 100 The maximum number of results you want to retrieve. You cannot retrieve more than 100 per query.
offset No 10 0 the number of results to skip before returning anything.
order_field No age id the name of the column you want to apply the order.
order_type No DESC or ASC ASC the direction of the order.
WHERE parameters
Parameter Required Sample values Description
condition Yes and or or If using several rules how they join together. By default, AND will be used.
rules[].field Yes age The name of the column you want to filter by.
rules[].operator Yes = != <> < > <= => between not_between in not_in begins_with not_begins_with ends_with not_ends_with contains not_contains is_empty is_not_empty The operator you want to use to compare the value at rules[].field
rules[].value Yes 25 or John or [18, 55] The value you want to use to compare. If you use the operators between or not_between rules[].value should be an array with two values
RESPONSE parameters
Parameter Sample values Description
total 10 This is the number of results retrieved, applying the LIMIT. TOTAL will be always lower or equal to LIMIT
max_results 206 This is the total number of results retrieved, without applying the LIMIT.
limit 10 The value of the LIMIT you set in the search.
offset 0 The value of the OFFSET you set in the search.
start_at 0 The position of the first element retrieved in this query. It always coincide with the OFFSET of your search query
next_element 10 The position of the next element to be retrieved. If you put this value in the OFFSET of your next search query, you can go throw all the results of your query

Insert Table data

Inserts a new data row in your {{table_name}}.

The response will be the data stored with its new ID.

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X POST "{{table_name}}/"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"
-d "{
    "username": "newuser",
    "password": "jsytd6756d5s",
    "age": 23

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X POST "{{table_name}}/"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-d "{
    "username": "newuser",
    "password": "jsytd6756d5s",
    "age": 23

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2 (Alternative way):

$ curl -X POST "{{table_name}}/{{id}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-d "{
    "columns": [
      "column_name": "username",
      "column_value": "newuser"
      "column_name": "password",
      "column_value": "jsytd6756d5s"
      "column_name": "age",
      "column_value": 23

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "data": [
            "date_created": "2019-04-29 10:04:21",
            "date_updated": "2019-04-29 10:04:21",
            "age": 23,
            "username": "newuser",
            "id": "608",
            "password": "jsytd6756d5s"
    "total": 1,
    "start_at": 0,
    "next_element": 0,
    "limit": 100,
    "offset": 0,
    "max_results": 0

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json or application/xml and it determines the format of the output that you will receive.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required only if you don't use oAuth2.
Authorization string - No Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2

URL Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
table_name string - Yes This is the name of the Table that you created. It has to be unique.

Payload Params

This is the data that you want to save, in JSON or XML.

Update Table data

Updates data in the Table with {{table_name}} with a given {{table_row_id}}

The response will be the data stored.

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X PUT "{{table_name}}/{{id}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"
-d "{
  "columns": [
      "column_name": "username",
      "column_value": "newusername"
      "column_name": "age",
      "column_value": 102
  "where": {
    "condition": "AND",
    "rules": [
        "field": "age",
        "operator": ">",
        "value": "20"
  "limit": 2,
  "offset": 2,
  "order_field": "age",
  "order_type": "desc"

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X PUT "{{table_name}}/{{id}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-d "{
  "columns": [
      "column_name": "username",
      "column_value": "newusername"
      "column_name": "age",
      "column_value": 102
  "where": {
    "condition": "AND",
    "rules": [
        "field": "age",
        "operator": ">",
        "value": "20"
  "limit": 2,
  "offset": 2,
  "order_field": "age",
  "order_type": "desc"

HTTP Request using URL:

$ curl -X PUT "{{table_name}}/{{id}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"
-d "{
  "columns": [
      "column_name": "username",
      "column_value": "newusername"
      "column_name": "age",
      "column_value": 102
  "where": {
    "condition": "AND",
    "rules": [
        "field": "age",
        "operator": ">",
        "value": "20"
  "limit": 2,
  "offset": 2,
  "order_field": "age",
  "order_type": "desc"

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "data": [],
    "total": 1,
    "start_at": 0,
    "next_element": 0,
    "limit": 100,
    "offset": 0,
    "max_results": 0

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json or application/xml and it determines the format of the output that you will receive.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required only if you don't use oAuth2.
Authorization string - No Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2

URL Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
table_name string - Yes This is the name of the Table that you created. It has to be unique.
id integer - No The ID of the row that you want to update.

Payload Params

The JSON object used to update data in your Table is divided in:

COLUMNS parameters
Parameter Required Sample values Description
column_name Yes age The name of the column that you want to update.
column_value Yes 33 the value you want to update in the former column name.
SEARCH parameters
Parameter Required Sample values Default Description
limit No 10 100 The maximum number of results you want to retrieve. You cannot retrieve more than 100 per query.
offset No 10 0 the number of results to skip before returning anything.
order_field No age id the name of the column you want to apply the order.
order_type No DESC or ASC ASC the direction of the order.
WHERE parameters
Parameter Required Sample values Description
condition Yes and or or If using several rules how they join together. By default, AND will be used.
rules[].field Yes age The name of the column you want to filter by.
rules[].operator Yes = != <> < > <= => between not_between in not_in begins_with not_begins_with ends_with not_ends_with contains not_contains is_empty is_not_empty The operator you want to use to compare the value at rules[].field
rules[].value Yes 25 or John or [18, 55] The value you want to use to compare. If you use the operators between or not_between rules[].value should be an array with two values

Delete Table data

Deletes the given {{id}} from the Table {{table_name}}.

HTTP Request using oAuth2:

$ curl -X DELETE "{{table_name}}/{{id}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"

HTTP Request using Headers no oAuth2:

$ curl -X DELETE "{{table_name}}/{{id}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"

HTTP Request using URL:

$ curl -X DELETE "{{table_name}}/{{id}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Apikey: {{api_key}}"

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "id": "ok",
    "code": 200,
    "request-ip": "",
    "resource": 1,
    "message": "Successfully deleted row {{id}} in table {{table_name}}",
    "error": null

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json or application/xml and it determines the format of the output that you will receive.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required only if you don't use oAuth2.
Authorization string - No Authorization format should be Bearer {{access_token}} only if using oAuth2

URL Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
table_name string - Yes This is the name of the Table that you created. It has to be unique.
id integer - Yes The ID of the row that you want to delete.

Payload Params



In order to use this endpoint (, the Organization has to enable the use of the Organization API key

Get Environments

Retrieves a list of the Environments of the organization.

HTTP Request:

$ curl --location --request GET ''
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'X-Apikey: {{organization_api_key}}'

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "code": 200,
    "data": [
            "id": "1",
            "name": "Environment 1",
            "description": "",
            "date_created": "2022-01-01 00:00:00",
            "date_updated": "2022-05-16 00:00:00",
            "info": {
                "frontend_url": "",
                "api_url": "",
                "html_url": "",
                "timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam"
            "status": "ready",
            "projects": [
            "package": {
                "name": "Single Server A",
                "code": "SS-A"
            "software": {
                "current_version": {
                    "version": "v.8.3.0",
                    "date_created": "2022-06-28 12:00:00",
                    "blocking_update": 1,
                    "changelog": ""
            "base_storage": 20,
            "total_storage": 20,
            "storage_addons": [],
            "storage_info": {
                "used": 0,
                "total": 0,
                "used_percentage": 0,
                "available_percentage": 0
            "active": 1,
            "ip": "",
            "stats": {
                "status": "OBSERVE",
                "current_storage": 5.3978,
                "visits": 0,
                "records": 11,
                "batches": 0,
                "webhooks": 0,
                "tasks": 32,
                "avg_performance": 70.3117,
                "peak_performance": 72.67
            "id": "2",
            "name": "Environment 2",
            "description": "",
            "date_created": "2022-01-01 00:00:00",
            "date_updated": "2022-05-16 00:00:00",
            "info": {
                "frontend_url": "",
                "api_url": "",
                "html_url": "",
                "timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam"
            "status": "ready",
            "projects": [
            "package": {
                "name": "Single Server B",
                "code": "SS-B"
            "software": {
                "current_version": {
                    "version": "v.8.3.0",
                    "date_created": "2022-06-28 12:00:00",
                    "blocking_update": 1,
                    "changelog": ""
            "base_storage": 40,
            "total_storage": 40,
            "storage_addons": [],
            "storage_info": {
                "used": 0,
                "total": 0,
                "used_percentage": 0,
                "available_percentage": 0
            "active": 1,
            "ip": "",
            "stats": {
                "status": "OBSERVE",
                "current_storage": 5.3978,
                "visits": 0,
                "records": 11,
                "batches": 0,
                "webhooks": 0,
                "tasks": 32,
                "avg_performance": 70.3117,
                "peak_performance": 72.67

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required and it can be retrieved from the Organization information.

URL Parameters


Get Environment by ID

Retrieves the environment by ID

HTTP Request:

$ curl --location --request GET '{{environment_id}}'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'X-Apikey: {{organization_api_key}}'

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "name": "Environment 1",
        "description": "",
        "date_created": "2022-01-01 00:00:00",
        "date_updated": "2022-05-16 00:00:00",
        "info": {
            "frontend_url": "",
            "api_url": "",
            "html_url": "",
            "timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam"
        "status": "ready",
        "projects": [
        "package": {
            "name": "Single Server A",
            "code": "SS-A"
        "software": {
            "current_version": {
                "version": "v.8.3.0",
                "date_created": "2022-06-28 12:00:00",
                "blocking_update": 1,
                "changelog": ""
        "base_storage": 20,
        "total_storage": 20,
        "storage_addons": [],
        "storage_info": {
            "used": 0,
            "total": 0,
            "used_percentage": 0,
            "available_percentage": 0
        "active": 1,
        "ip": "",
        "stats": {
            "status": "OBSERVE",
            "current_storage": 5.3978,
            "visits": 0,
            "records": 11,
            "batches": 0,
            "webhooks": 0,
            "tasks": 32,
            "avg_performance": 70.3117,
            "peak_performance": 72.67
        "ssl_certificate": {
            "name": "/",
            "subject": {
                "serial_number": null,
                "email_address": null,
                "common_name": "",
                "organization_name": null,
                "organizational_unit_name": null,
                "locality_name": null,
                "state_province_name": null,
                "country_name": null
            "hash": "b128c3f7",
            "issuer": {
                "country_name": "US",
                "state_province_name": null,
                "organization_name": "Let's Encrypt",
                "organizational_unit_name": null,
                "common_name": "Let's Encrypt Authority X3",
                "email_address": null
            "version": 2,
            "serial_number": "0x031D48DED368727DA88D9B7FB85432B8699C3",
            "valid_from": 1602704994,
            "valid_to": 1610480994,
            "signature_type_SN": "RSA-SHA256",
            "signature_type_LN": "sha256WithRSAEncryption",
            "signature_type_NID": 668,
            "purposes": {
                "1": [
                    "SSL client"
                "2": [
                    "SSL server"
                "3": [
                    "Netscape SSL server"
                "4": [
                    "S/MIME signing"
                "5": [
                    "S/MIME encryption"
                "6": [
                    "CRL signing"
                "7": [
                    "Any Purpose"
                "8": [
                    "OCSP helper"
                "9": [
                    "Time Stamp signing"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required and it can be retrieved from the Organization information.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Default Required Description
environment_id integer - Yes The ID of the environment

Get Environment status

Retrieves the status of the environment (creating, updating, deleting, upgrading, ready, deleted, error, upgraded )

HTTP Request:

$ curl --location --request GET '{{environment_id}}/status'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'X-Apikey: {{organization_api_key}}'

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "status": "ready"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required and it can be retrieved from the Organization information.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Default Required Description
environment_id integer - Yes The ID of the environment

Create new Environment

Creates a new environment in the organization. The creation of the environment is asynchronous, so if you want to know if the environment is ready, you should do a call to GET /v1/environment/{{environment_id}} or to GET /v1/environment/{{environment_id}}/status.

HTTP Request:

$ curl --location --request POST ''
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'X-Apikey: {{organization_api_key}}'
--data-raw '{
  "name": "My new environment",
  "description": "Description of My new environment",
  "package": "SS-A",
  "region": "london",
  "timezone": "Europe/London"

Success Response - Status: 201-OK:

    "code": 201,
    "data": {
        "id": "3",
        "name": "Environment 3",
        "description": "",
        "date_created": "2022-08-01 00:00:00",
        "date_updated": "2022-08-01 00:00:00",
        "info": {
            "frontend_url": "",
            "api_url": "",
            "html_url": "",
            "timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam"
        "status": "creating",
        "projects": [],
        "package": {
            "name": "Single Server A",
            "code": "SS-A"
        "software": {
            "current_version": {
                "version": "v.8.3.0",
                "date_created": "2022-06-28 12:00:00",
                "blocking_update": 1,
                "changelog": ""
        "base_storage": 20,
        "total_storage": 20,
        "storage_addons": [],
        "storage_info": {
            "used": 0,
            "total": 0,
            "used_percentage": 0,
            "available_percentage": 0
        "active": 1,
        "ip": "",

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required and it can be retrieved from the Organization information.

URL Params


Payload Params

Parameter Required Sample values Description
name Yes My new environment The name of the Environment to create
description No Description of My new environment The description of the Environment to create
package Yes SS-A, SS-B, SS-C, SS-D The name of the package chosen for the Environment
region Yes amsterdam, frankfurt, london, new york, san francisco, toronto, bangalore, singapore The name of the region where you want your Environment
timezone No Europe/Amsterdam, Europe/London, etc... The TZ database name of the timezone. A list of the available timezones can be checked here:

Update Environment

Updates some information of the environment like the name, description and SSL certificates.

HTTP Request:

$ curl --location --request POST '{{environment_id}}'
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data'
--header 'X-Apikey: {{organization_api_key}}'
--form 'name="New Environment name"' \
--form 'description="New Environment description"' \
--form 'delete_certificate="0"' \
--form 'pem_file=@"/path/to/file"' \
--form 'private_key_file=@"/path/to/file"' \
--form 'certificate_file=@"/path/to/file"' \
--form 'chain_files=@"/path/to/file"'

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "name": "Environment 1",
        "description": "",
        "date_created": "2022-01-01 00:00:00",
        "date_updated": "2022-05-16 00:00:00",
        "info": {
            "frontend_url": "",
            "api_url": "",
            "html_url": "",
            "timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam"
        "status": "ready",
        "projects": [
        "package": {
            "name": "Single Server A",
            "code": "SS-A"
        "software": {
            "current_version": {
                "version": "v.8.3.0",
                "date_created": "2022-06-28 12:00:00",
                "blocking_update": 1,
                "changelog": ""
        "base_storage": 20,
        "total_storage": 20,
        "storage_addons": [],
        "storage_info": {
            "used": 0,
            "total": 0,
            "used_percentage": 0,
            "available_percentage": 0
        "active": 1,
        "ip": "",
        "stats": {
            "status": "OBSERVE",
            "current_storage": 5.3978,
            "visits": 0,
            "records": 11,
            "batches": 0,
            "webhooks": 0,
            "tasks": 32,
            "avg_performance": 70.3117,
            "peak_performance": 72.67
        "ssl_certificate": {
            "name": "/",
            "subject": {
                "serial_number": null,
                "email_address": null,
                "common_name": "",
                "organization_name": null,
                "organizational_unit_name": null,
                "locality_name": null,
                "state_province_name": null,
                "country_name": null
            "hash": "b128c3f7",
            "issuer": {
                "country_name": "US",
                "state_province_name": null,
                "organization_name": "Let's Encrypt",
                "organizational_unit_name": null,
                "common_name": "Let's Encrypt Authority X3",
                "email_address": null
            "version": 2,
            "serial_number": "0x031D48DED368727DA88D9B7FB85432B8699C3",
            "valid_from": 1602704994,
            "valid_to": 1610480994,
            "signature_type_SN": "RSA-SHA256",
            "signature_type_LN": "sha256WithRSAEncryption",
            "signature_type_NID": 668,
            "purposes": {
                "1": [
                    "SSL client"
                "2": [
                    "SSL server"
                "3": [
                    "Netscape SSL server"
                "4": [
                    "S/MIME signing"
                "5": [
                    "S/MIME encryption"
                "6": [
                    "CRL signing"
                "7": [
                    "Any Purpose"
                "8": [
                    "OCSP helper"
                "9": [
                    "Time Stamp signing"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be multipart/form-data.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required and it can be retrieved from the Organization's information

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Default Required Description
environment_id integer - Yes The ID of the environment

Payload Params

Parameter Required Sample values Description
name No My new environment The new name of the Environment
description No Description of My new environment The new description of the Environment
delete_certificate No 0, 1 If 1 is sent, the current certificate will be deleted from the Environment
pem_file No /path/to/file.pem, /path/to/file.txt The PEM file of the SSL certificate you want to update. If you provide a PEM file, other files will be ignored
private_key_file No /path/to/file.key, /path/to/file.txt The Private Key file of the SSL certificate you want to update. It's mandatory that if you upload the Private Key file, you should update the Domain Certificate file
certificate_file No /path/to/file.crt, /path/to/file.cer, /path/to/file.txt The Domain Certificate file of the SSL certificate you want to update. It's mandatory that if you upload the Domain Certificate file, you should update the Private Key file
chain_files No /path/to/, /path/to/file.crt, /path/to/file.cer, /path/to/file.txt Root and Intermediate certificate files of the SSL certificate you want to update.

Upgrade Environment

Upgrades the environment to a new package or increases the storage.

HTTP Request:

$ curl --location --request POST '{{environment_id}}/upgrade'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'X-Apikey: {{organization_api_key}}'
--data-raw '{
  "package": "SS-B",
  "storage": 100

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "id": "3",
        "name": "Environment 3",
        "description": "",
        "date_created": "2022-08-01 00:00:00",
        "date_updated": "2022-08-01 00:00:00",
        "info": {
            "frontend_url": "",
            "api_url": "",
            "html_url": "",
            "timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam"
        "status": "upgrading",
        "projects": [],
        "package": {
            "name": "Single Server B",
            "code": "SS-B"
        "software": {
            "current_version": {
                "version": "v.8.3.0",
                "date_created": "2022-06-28 12:00:00",
                "blocking_update": 1,
                "changelog": ""
        "base_storage": 40,
        "total_storage": 40,
        "storage_addons": [],
        "storage_info": {
            "used": 0,
            "total": 0,
            "used_percentage": 0,
            "available_percentage": 0
        "active": 1,
        "ip": "",

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required and it can be retrieved from the Organization information.

URL Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
environment_id integer - Yes The ID of the environment

Payload Params

Parameter Required Sample values Description
package No SS-B, SS-C, SS-D The name of the package to be upgraded to. If package is sent, then storage is ignored
storage No 100 The amount of GB of storage to increase. Right now, you can only add 100GB of storage each time.

Update Environment version

Updates the environment to the latest Flowize version.

HTTP Request:

$ curl --location --request POST '{{environment_id}}/update-version'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'X-Apikey: {{organization_api_key}}'

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "id": "3",
        "name": "Environment 3",
        "description": "",
        "date_created": "2022-08-01 00:00:00",
        "date_updated": "2022-08-01 00:00:00",
        "info": {
            "frontend_url": "",
            "api_url": "",
            "html_url": "",
            "timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam"
        "status": "upgrading",
        "projects": [],
        "package": {
            "name": "Single Server B",
            "code": "SS-B"
        "software": {
            "current_version": {
                "version": "v.8.3.0",
                "date_created": "2022-06-28 12:00:00",
                "blocking_update": 1,
                "changelog": ""
        "base_storage": 40,
        "total_storage": 40,
        "storage_addons": [],
        "storage_info": {
            "used": 0,
            "total": 0,
            "used_percentage": 0,
            "available_percentage": 0
        "active": 1,
        "ip": "",

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required and it can be retrieved from the Organization information.

URL Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
environment_id integer - Yes The ID of the environment

Payload Params


Optimize Environment storage

Optimizes the storage of the server

HTTP Request:

$ curl --location --request POST '{{environment_id}}/optimize'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'X-Apikey: {{organization_api_key}}'

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "id": "3",
        "name": "Environment 3",
        "description": "",
        "date_created": "2022-08-01 00:00:00",
        "date_updated": "2022-08-01 00:00:00",
        "info": {
            "frontend_url": "",
            "api_url": "",
            "html_url": "",
            "timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam"
        "status": "upgrading",
        "projects": [],
        "package": {
            "name": "Single Server B",
            "code": "SS-B"
        "software": {
            "current_version": {
                "version": "v.8.3.0",
                "date_created": "2022-06-28 12:00:00",
                "blocking_update": 1,
                "changelog": ""
        "base_storage": 40,
        "total_storage": 40,
        "storage_addons": [],
        "storage_info": {
            "used": 0,
            "total": 0,
            "used_percentage": 0,
            "available_percentage": 0
        "active": 1,
        "ip": "",

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required and it can be retrieved from the Organization information.

URL Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
environment_id integer - Yes The ID of the environment

Payload Params


Get Environment projects

Outputs information about the projects that are currently hosted in the environment

HTTP Request:

$ curl --location --request GET '{{environment_id}}/projects'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'X-Apikey: {{organization_api_key}}'

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "code": 200,
    "data": [
            "id": "12",
            "name": "Project 1",
            "version": 1,
            "date_created": "2022-11-05 14:07:42",
            "date_updated": "2022-11-05 14:07:42"
            "id": "15",
            "name": "Project 3",
            "version": 2,
            "date_created": "2021-12-16 10:14:31",
            "date_updated": "2021-12-20 16:05:37"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required and it can be retrieved from the Organization information.

URL Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
environment_id integer - Yes The ID of the environment

Payload Params


Add/Update Project to Environment

Adds or updates the project {project_id} in the Environment if it already exists. The user will be able also to provide which Keystores, Tables and Websites to add.

HTTP Request:

$ curl --location --request POST '{{environment_id}}/project/{{project_id}}'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'X-Apikey: {{organization_api_key}}'
--data-raw '{
    "static_data":      "yes",
    "file_manager":     "yes",
    "source_environment": 23,
    "all_keystores":    "insert",
    "all_tables":       "insert",
    "all_websites":     "insert",
    "keystores": [
           "keystore_id": "my_keystore_1",
           "action": "insert"
           "keystore_id": "my_keystore_2",
           "action": "insert or update"
           "keystore_id": "my_keystore_3",
           "action": "delete and insert"
    "tables": [
           "name": "table_name_1",
           "action": "insert"
           "name": "table_name_2",
           "action": "insert or update"
           "name": "table_name_3",
           "action": "delete and insert"
    "websites": [
           "slug": "website_1",
           "action": "insert"
           "slug": "website_2",
           "action": "insert or update"
           "slug": "website_3",
           "action": "delete and insert"

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "name": "Environment 1",
        "description": "",
        "date_created": "2022-01-01 00:00:00",
        "date_updated": "2022-05-16 00:00:00",
        "info": {
            "frontend_url": "",
            "api_url": "",
            "html_url": "",
            "timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam"
        "status": "ready",
        "projects": [
        "package": {
            "name": "Single Server A",
            "code": "SS-A"
        "software": {
            "current_version": {
                "version": "v.8.3.0",
                "date_created": "2022-06-28 12:00:00",
                "blocking_update": 1,
                "changelog": ""
        "base_storage": 20,
        "total_storage": 20,
        "storage_addons": [],
        "storage_info": {
            "used": 0,
            "total": 0,
            "used_percentage": 0,
            "available_percentage": 0
        "active": 1,
        "ip": "",
        "stats": {
            "status": "OBSERVE",
            "current_storage": 5.3978,
            "visits": 0,
            "records": 11,
            "batches": 0,
            "webhooks": 0,
            "tasks": 32,
            "avg_performance": 70.3117,
            "peak_performance": 72.67
        "ssl_certificate": {
            "name": "/",
            "subject": {
                "serial_number": null,
                "email_address": null,
                "common_name": "",
                "organization_name": null,
                "organizational_unit_name": null,
                "locality_name": null,
                "state_province_name": null,
                "country_name": null
            "hash": "b128c3f7",
            "issuer": {
                "country_name": "US",
                "state_province_name": null,
                "organization_name": "Let's Encrypt",
                "organizational_unit_name": null,
                "common_name": "Let's Encrypt Authority X3",
                "email_address": null
            "version": 2,
            "serial_number": "0x031D48DED368727DA88D9B7FB85432B8699C3",
            "valid_from": 1602704994,
            "valid_to": 1610480994,
            "signature_type_SN": "RSA-SHA256",
            "signature_type_LN": "sha256WithRSAEncryption",
            "signature_type_NID": 668,
            "purposes": {
                "1": [
                    "SSL client"
                "2": [
                    "SSL server"
                "3": [
                    "Netscape SSL server"
                "4": [
                    "S/MIME signing"
                "5": [
                    "S/MIME encryption"
                "6": [
                    "CRL signing"
                "7": [
                    "Any Purpose"
                "8": [
                    "OCSP helper"
                "9": [
                    "Time Stamp signing"

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required and it can be retrieved from the Organization information.

URL Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
environment_id integer - Yes The ID of the environment
project_id integer - Yes The ID of the project to add/update in the environment

Payload Params

Action for keystores, tables and websites Description
insert Inserts only new data. It WON'T delete or update any data which is already in the Environment.
insert or update Insert new data and/or update if data matches. It WON'T delete any data which is already in the Environment. It will update those rows that already exist, and it will add the new ones.
delete and insert Delete current data and then Insert data. It WILL delete any data which is already in the Environment.
Parameter Required Sample values Description
static_data No no, yes If you want to update the Static Schema of the project in the Environment.
file_manager No no, yes If you want to update the whole File Manager of the project in the Environment.
source_environment No 123> The ID of the Source Environment where the project it's already hosted. Only add this option if you want to add/update the project from another Environment instead of from the Designer. You can only update the project if the Source Environment holds a newer version of the project than the one you already have. The Source Environment and the Destination Environment have to be in the same Organization.
all_keystores No insert, insert or update, delete and insert If you want to update all the Keystore data of the project in the Environment. If all_keystores is present the parameter keystores is ignored
all_tables No insert, insert or update, delete and insert If you want to update all the Tables of the project in the Environment. If all_tables is present the parameter tables is ignored
all_websites No insert, insert or update, delete and insert If you want to update all the Websites of the project in the Environment. If all_websites is present the parameter websites is ignored
keystores[].keystore_id No my_keystore1, another_keystore2 ... Update all the data related with this Keystore ID
keystores[].action No insert, insert or update, delete and insert The action to do for that specific Keystore ID
tables[].name No my_table_1, my_users ... Update all the data related with this Table name
tables[].action No insert, insert or update, delete and insert The action to do for that specific Table name
websites[].slug No website1, my_shop ... Update the Website which has this slug
websites[].action No insert, insert or update, delete and insert The action to do for that specific Table name

Delete Project from Environment

Deletes an Environment from the organization.

HTTP Request

$ curl --location --request DELETE '{{environment_id}}/project/{{project_id}}'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'X-Apikey: {{organization_api_key}}'

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "name": "Environment 1",
        "description": "",
        "date_created": "2022-01-01 00:00:00",
        "date_updated": "2022-05-16 00:00:00",
        "info": {
            "frontend_url": "",
            "api_url": "",
            "html_url": "",
            "timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam"
        "status": "ready",
        "projects": [
        "package": {
            "name": "Single Server A",
            "code": "SS-A"
        "software": {
            "current_version": {
                "version": "v.8.3.0",
                "date_created": "2022-06-28 12:00:00",
                "blocking_update": 1,
                "changelog": ""
        "base_storage": 20,
        "total_storage": 20,
        "storage_addons": [],
        "storage_info": {
            "used": 0,
            "total": 0,
            "used_percentage": 0,
            "available_percentage": 0
        "active": 1,
        "ip": "",
        "stats": {
            "status": "OBSERVE",
            "current_storage": 5.3978,
            "visits": 0,
            "records": 11,
            "batches": 0,
            "webhooks": 0,
            "tasks": 32,
            "avg_performance": 70.3117,
            "peak_performance": 72.67

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required and it can be retrieved from the Organization information

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Default Required Description
environment_id integer - Yes The ID of the environment
project_id integer - Yes The ID of the project to delete from the environment

Get Url mapping from Environment

Retrieves the URLS that have been mapped in the environment to use websites or hosted pages

HTTP Request:

$ curl --location --request GET '{{environment_id}}/urls'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'X-Apikey: {{organization_api_key}}'

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

  "data": {
    "urls_mapped": [
        "url": "/my_website/",
        "project_id": 1231,
        "name": "my_website1",
        "type": "website",
        "date_created": "2024-05-22 15:29:12",
        "date_updated": "2024-07-10 19:45:07"
        "url": "/landing/",
        "project_id": 54,
        "name": "My landing page",
        "type": "hostedpage",
        "date_created": "2023-05-03 11:29:54",
        "date_updated": "2023-06-10 08:12:22"
  "code": 200

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required and it can be retrieved from the Organization information.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Default Required Description
environment_id integer - Yes The ID of the environment

Add/Update Url mapping in Environment

Adds or updates the URLS that have been mapped in the environment to use websites or hosted pages

HTTP Request:

$ curl --location --request POST '{{environment_id}}/urls'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'X-Apikey: {{organization_api_key}}'
--data-raw '[
        "project_id": {{project_id}},
        "url": "/",
        "name": "my_website1",
        "type": "website"
        "project_id": {{project_id}},
        "name": "my_website2",
        "type": "website"

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

  "data": {
    "urls_mapped": [
        "url": "/my_website/",
        "project_id": 1231,
        "name": "my_website1",
        "type": "website",
        "date_created": "2024-05-22 15:29:12",
        "date_updated": "2024-07-10 19:45:07"
        "url": "/landing/",
        "project_id": 54,
        "name": "My landing page",
        "type": "hostedpage",
        "date_created": "2023-05-03 11:29:54",
        "date_updated": "2023-06-10 08:12:22"
  "code": 200

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required and it can be retrieved from the Organization information.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Default Required Description
environment_id integer - Yes The ID of the environment

Payload Params

Parameter Type Required Sample values Description
project_id integer Yes 123 The ID of the project where your website belongs
url string Yes /shop/ The relative URL where you want the content to be mapped
name string Yes my_website Slug of the website or the name of the hosted page you want to map
type string Yes website, hostedpage The type of content you are mapping

Delete Url mapping from Environment

Deletes the URLS that have been mapped in the environment to use websites or hosted pages

HTTP Request

$ curl --location --request DELETE '{{environment_id}}/urls'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'X-Apikey: {{organization_api_key}}'
--data-raw '[
        "project_id": {{project_id}},
        "url": "/my_website2"
        "type": "website"

Success Response - Status: 200-OK:

  "data": {
    "urls_mapped": [
        "url": "/my_website/",
        "project_id": 1231,
        "name": "my_website1",
        "type": "website",
        "date_created": "2024-05-22 15:29:12",
        "date_updated": "2024-07-10 19:45:07"
        "url": "/landing/",
        "project_id": 54,
        "name": "My landing page",
        "type": "hostedpage",
        "date_created": "2023-05-03 11:29:54",
        "date_updated": "2023-06-10 08:12:22"
  "code": 200

HTTP Request


Header Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Content-Type string - Yes Content type has to be application/json.
X-Apikey string - Yes It's required and it can be retrieved from the Organization information.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Default Required Description
environment_id integer - Yes The ID of the environment

Payload Params

Parameter Type Required Sample values Description
project_id integer Yes 123 The ID of the project where your website belongs
url string Yes /shop/ The relative URL that you want to delete
type string Yes website, hostedpage The type of content of the mapping to delete

SOAP Web services

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a standard protocol specification for message exchange based on XML. Communication between the web service and client happens using XML messages.

To start using our SOAP web services is necessary to use the following url:

To start using SOAP and you don't know how to manage it, you can start downloading the following software SoapUI.

What is WSDL?

WSDL stands for Web Service Description Language. It is an XML file that describes the technical details of how to implement a web service, more specifically the URI, port, method names, arguments, and data types. Since WSDL is XML, it is both human-readable and machine-consumable, which aids in the ability to call and bind to services dynamically.using this WSDL file we can understand things like,

For more information about WSDL, see

Endpoints API Methods

The API uses the following list:

Methods Usage
insertSchema Inserts a Data Schema structure per customer.
insertRecord Inserts a Data Record structure.
webhook Inserts Data using a Webhook Protocol.
getRecord Gets a Record Data with identifier :id.
getSchema Gets the Data Schema Structure.
getFlowDiagram Gets information related to a Flow Diagram.
updateRecord Updates a Data Record with identifier :id.
updateSchema Updates the customer Data Schema.
changeFlowStatus Updates the flow status.
deleteSchema Removes the customer Data Schema.
deleteRecord Removes a Data Record with identifier :id.

Version v.1

Version 1.0 of the API launched Sept 30, 2016.

Creating a new schema

Insert the customer Data Schema.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mym="Flowize">
         <input xsi:type="mym:InsertSchemaRequest">
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->
            <AuthenticationObject xsi:type="mym:AuthenticationObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
               <Apikey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Apikey>
               <Appkey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Appkey>
               <Version xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Version>
            <SchemaObject xsi:type="mym:SchemaObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
               <Url xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Url>
               <Schema xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Schema>
               <DataRecord xsi:type="xsd:string">?</DataRecord>

Success Response - Status: 201-Created:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="Flowize" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="">
      <ns1:insertRecordResponse xsi:type="ns1:insertRecordResponse">
         <insertRecordResult xsi:type="ns1:Response">
            <Id xsi:type="xsd:string">created</Id>
            <Code xsi:type="xsd:string">201</Code>
            <RequestIP xsi:type="xsd:string"></RequestIP>
            <Resource xsi:type="xsd:string"></Resource>
            <Message xsi:type="xsd:string">Data Schema is created successfully.</Message>
            <Error xsi:type="xsd:string">null</Error>

Error Response 404

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
         <faultstring>The credentials are not correct.</faultstring>
               <value>The credentials are not correct.</value>

SOAP Envelope Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Apikey string - Yes Authorization format should be using customer {{Apikey}} credentials.
Appkey string - Yes Application unique identifier
Version integer - Yes SOAP Version by default it should have the value 1.
Url string - No This is the Schema V4 url. It's optional.
Schema string - Yes This is the Schema V4 data. It has to be in base64 encoding.
DataRecord string - Yes This is the Data Record example. It has to be in base64 encoding.

Creating a new data record

Insert a single or an array of Record Data.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mym="Flowize">
         <input xsi:type="mym:InsertRecordRequest">
            <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
            <AuthenticationObject xsi:type="mym:AuthenticationObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
               <Apikey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Apikey>
               <Appkey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Appkey>
               <Version xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Version>
            <DataRecordObject xsi:type="mym:DataRecordObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
               <Uuid xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Uuid>
               <ExecutionTime xsi:type="xsd:string">?</ExecutionTime>
               <Data xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Data>
            <FlowDiagramObject xsi:type="mym:FlowDiagramObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 4 items in any order-->
               <Flow xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Flow>
               <FlowId xsi:type="xsd:string">?</FlowId>
               <Status xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Status>

Success Response - Status: 201-Created:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="Flowize" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="">
      <ns1:insertRecordResponse xsi:type="ns1:insertRecordResponse">
         <insertRecordResult xsi:type="ns1:Response">
            <Id xsi:type="xsd:string">created</Id>
            <Code xsi:type="xsd:string">201</Code>
            <RequestIP xsi:type="xsd:string"></RequestIP>
            <Resource xsi:type="xsd:string">base64_encode({{data_record}})</Resource>
            <Message xsi:type="xsd:string">Data Record is created successfully and it is included in the queue.</Message>
            <Error xsi:type="xsd:string">null</Error>

Error Response 404

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
         <faultstring>The credentials are not correct.</faultstring>
               <value>The credentials are not correct.</value>

SOAP Envelope Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Apikey string - Yes Authorization format should be using customer {{Apikey}} credentials.
Appkey string - Yes Application unique identifier
Version integer - Yes SOAP Version by default it should have the value 1.
Uuid string - No This parameter is optional and it is the unique identifier of the data record. if it’s not included will be generated automatically by the system otherwise it is custom identifier by the customer.
ExecutionTime string - No This parameter is used to run a flow diagram in that flawless moment. The date format is ATOM format. i.e: 2005-08-15T15:52:01+00:00. By default is off (runtime). It can be empty real time or a atom date to be scheduled.
Data string - Yes This is the Data Record example. It has to be in base64 encoding.

Create a new Webhook

Inserts Data using a Webhook Protocol.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mym="Flowize">
         <input xsi:type="mym:WebhookRequest">
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->
            <Uri xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Uri>
            <Payload xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Payload>

Success Response - Status: 201-Created:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
        <faultstring>Webhook response has been saved successfully</faultstring>
              <value>Webhook response has been saved successfully</value>

Error Response 404

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
         <faultstring>The credentials are not correct.</faultstring>
               <value>The credentials are not correct.</value>

SOAP Envelope Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Uri string - Yes The webhook uri is created in the webhook protocol section inside Flowize Front End.
Payload string - Yes The webhook payload structure which is sent to Flowize by a customer host server.

Obtain a Data Record

Gets a Record Data with identifier :id.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mym="Flowize">
         <input xsi:type="mym:GetRecordRequest">
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->
            <AuthenticationObject xsi:type="mym:AuthenticationObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
               <Apikey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Apikey>
               <Appkey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Appkey>
               <Version xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Version>
            <DataRecordObject xsi:type="mym:DataRecordObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
               <Uuid xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Uuid>
               <ExecutionTime xsi:type="xsd:string">?</ExecutionTime>
               <Data xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Data>

Success Response - Status: 201-Created:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="Flowize" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="">
      <ns1:getRecordResponse xsi:type="ns1:getRecordResponse">
         <getRecordResult xsi:type="ns1:Response">
            <Id xsi:type="xsd:string">ok</Id>
            <Code xsi:type="xsd:string">200</Code>
            <RequestIP xsi:type="xsd:string"></RequestIP>
            <Resource xsi:type="xsd:string">base64_decode({{data_record}})</Resource>
            <Message xsi:type="xsd:string">Data Record structure was retrieving successfully</Message>
            <Error xsi:type="xsd:string">null</Error>

Error Response 404

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
         <faultstring>The credentials are not correct.</faultstring>
               <value>The credentials are not correct.</value>

SOAP Envelope Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Apikey string - Yes Authorization format should be using customer {{Apikey}} credentials.
Appkey string - Yes Application unique identifier
Version integer - Yes Soap Version by default it should have the value 1.
Uuid string - Yes This parameter is optional and it is the unique identifier of the data record. if it’s not included will be generated automatically by the system otherwise it is custom identifier by the customer.

Get the Customer Data Schema

Gets the Data Schema Structure.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mym="Flowize">
         <input xsi:type="mym:GetSchemaRequest">
            <AuthenticationObject xsi:type="mym:AuthenticationObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
               <Apikey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Apikey>
               <Appkey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Appkey>
               <Version xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Version>

Success Response - Status: 201-Created:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="Flowize" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="">
      <ns1:getSchemaResponse xsi:type="ns1:getSchemaResponse">
         <getSchemaResult xsi:type="ns1:Response">
            <Id xsi:type="xsd:string">ok</Id>
            <Code xsi:type="xsd:string">200</Code>
            <RequestIP xsi:type="xsd:string"></RequestIP>
            <Resource xsi:type="xsd:string">{"url":"","schema":"base64_encode({{data_schema}})","creation_date":"2016-09-07 07:03:14","modified_date":"2016-09-20 06:51:09","customer":"Testing"}</Resource>
            <Message xsi:type="xsd:string">Schema structure is retrieving successfully</Message>
            <Error xsi:type="xsd:string">null</Error>

Error Response 404

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
         <faultstring>The credentials are not correct.</faultstring>
               <value>The credentials are not correct.</value>

Soap Envelope Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Apikey string - Yes Authorization format should be using customer {{Apikey}} credentials.
Appkey string - Yes Application unique identifier
Version integer - Yes Soap Version by default it should have the value 1.

Get Flow Diagram Information

Gets information related to a Flow Diagram.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mym="Flowize">
         <input xsi:type="mym:GetSchemaRequest">
            <AuthenticationObject xsi:type="mym:AuthenticationObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
               <Apikey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Apikey>
               <Appkey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Appkey>
               <Version xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Version>

Success Response - Status: 201-Created:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="Flowize" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="">
      <ns1:getSchemaResponse xsi:type="ns1:getSchemaResponse">
         <getSchemaResult xsi:type="ns1:Response">
            <Id xsi:type="xsd:string">ok</Id>
            <Code xsi:type="xsd:string">200</Code>
            <RequestIP xsi:type="xsd:string"></RequestIP>
            <Resource xsi:type="xsd:string">{"url":"","schema":"base64_encode({{data_schema}})","creation_date":"2016-09-07 07:03:14","modified_date":"2016-09-20 06:51:09","customer":"Testing"}</Resource>
            <Message xsi:type="xsd:string">Schema structure is retrieving successfully</Message>
            <Error xsi:type="xsd:string">null</Error>

Error Response 404

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
         <faultstring>The credentials are not correct.</faultstring>
               <value>The credentials are not correct.</value>

Soap Envelope Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Apikey string - Yes Authorization format should be using customer {{Apikey}} credentials.
Appkey string - Yes Application unique identifier
Version integer - Yes Soap Version by default it should have the value 1.

Updating a data record

Updates a Data Record with identifier :id.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mym="Flowize">
         <input xsi:type="mym:InsertRecordRequest">
            <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
            <AuthenticationObject xsi:type="mym:AuthenticationObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
               <Apikey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Apikey>
               <Appkey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Appkey>
               <Version xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Version>
            <DataRecordObject xsi:type="mym:DataRecordObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
               <Uuid xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Uuid>
               <ExecutionTime xsi:type="xsd:string">?</ExecutionTime>
               <Data xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Data>
            <FlowDiagramObject xsi:type="mym:FlowDiagramObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 4 items in any order-->
               <Flow xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Flow>
               <FlowId xsi:type="xsd:string">?</FlowId>
               <Status xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Status>

Success Response - Status: 201-Created:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="Flowize" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="">
      <ns1:updateRecordResponse xsi:type="ns1:updateRecordResponse">
         <updateRecordResult xsi:type="ns1:Response">
            <Id xsi:type="xsd:string">created</Id>
            <Code xsi:type="xsd:string">201</Code>
            <RequestIP xsi:type="xsd:string"></RequestIP>
            <Resource xsi:type="xsd:string">base64_encode({{data_record}})</Resource>
            <Message xsi:type="xsd:string">Data Record is updated successfully.</Message>
            <Error xsi:type="xsd:string">null</Error>

Error Response 404

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
         <faultstring>The credentials are not correct.</faultstring>
               <value>The credentials are not correct.</value>

Soap Envelope Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Apikey string - Yes Authorization format should be using customer {{Apikey}} credentials.
Appkey string - Yes Application unique identifier
Version integer - Yes Soap Version by default it should have the value 1.
Uuid string - No This parameter is optional and it is the unique identifier of the data record. if it’s not included will be generated automatically by the system otherwise it is custom identifier by the customer.
Data string - Yes This is the Data Record example. It has to be in base64 encoding.

Updating a customer schema

Updates the customer Data Schema.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mym="Flowize">
         <input xsi:type="mym:UpdateSchemaRequest">
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->
            <AuthenticationObject xsi:type="mym:AuthenticationObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
               <Apikey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Apikey>
               <Appkey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Appkey>
               <Version xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Version>
            <SchemaObject xsi:type="mym:SchemaObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
               <Url xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Url>
               <Schema xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Schema>
               <DataRecord xsi:type="xsd:string">?</DataRecord>

Success Response - Status: 201-Created:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="Flowize" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="">
     <ns1:updateSchemaResponse xsi:type="ns1:updateSchemaResponse">
        <updateSchemaResult xsi:type="ns1:Response">
           <Id xsi:type="xsd:string">created</Id>
           <Code xsi:type="xsd:string">201</Code>
           <RequestIP xsi:type="xsd:string"></RequestIP>
           <Resource xsi:type="xsd:string">base64_decode({{data_schema}})</Resource>
           <Message xsi:type="xsd:string">Schema structure is created successfully</Message>
           <Error xsi:type="xsd:string">null</Error>

Error Response 404

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
         <faultstring>The credentials are not correct.</faultstring>
               <value>The credentials are not correct.</value>

Soap Envelope Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Apikey string - Yes Authorization format should be using customer {{Apikey}} credentials.
Appkey string - Yes Application unique identifier
Version integer - Yes Soap Version by default it should have the value 1.
Url string - No Schema is using version 4. And the URL parameter is not required and it's not being used.
Schema string - Yes JSON Schema structure in version 4 format. The Schema has to be encoded in Base64.
DataRecord string - Yes A JSON structure which contains the customer object of the clients data record. The Data Record has to be encoded in Base 64.

Changing flow status

Updates the flow status.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mym="Flowize">
         <input xsi:type="mym:ChangeFlowDiagramStatusRequest">
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->
            <AuthenticationObject xsi:type="mym:AuthenticationObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
               <Apikey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Apikey>
               <Appkey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Appkey>
               <Version xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Version>
            <FlowDiagramObject xsi:type="mym:FlowDiagramObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 4 items in any order-->
               <Flow xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Flow>
               <FlowId xsi:type="xsd:string">?</FlowId>
               <Status xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Status>

Success Response - Status: 201-Created:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="Flowize" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="">
     <ns1:changeFlowStatusResponse xsi:type="ns1:changeFlowStatusResponse">
        <changeFlowStatusResult xsi:type="ns1:Response">
           <Id xsi:type="xsd:string">created</Id>
           <Code xsi:type="xsd:string">201</Code>
           <RequestIP xsi:type="xsd:string"></RequestIP>
           <Resource xsi:type="xsd:string">base64_decode({{flow_data}})</Resource>
           <Message xsi:type="xsd:string">Flow diagram has been published successfully</Message>
           <Error xsi:type="xsd:string">false</Error>

Error Response 404

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
         <faultstring>The credentials are not correct.</faultstring>
               <value>The credentials are not correct.</value>

Soap Envelope Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Apikey string - Yes Authorization format should be using customer {{Apikey}} credentials.
Appkey string - Yes Application unique identifier
Version integer - Yes Soap Version by default it should have the value 1.
Status string - Yes This parameter is status that we want to change on the flow diagram. used.
FlowId integer - Yes This parameter is the unique identifier of the flow diagram.

Deleting the schema

Removes the customer Data Schema.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mym="Flowize">
         <input xsi:type="mym:DeleteSchemaRequest">
            <AuthenticationObject xsi:type="mym:AuthenticationObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
               <Apikey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Apikey>
               <Appkey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Appkey>
               <Version xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Version>

Success Response - Status: 201-Created:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="Flowize" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="">
     <ns1:deleteSchemaResponse xsi:type="ns1:deleteSchemaResponse">
        <deleteSchemaResult xsi:type="ns1:Response">
           <Id xsi:type="xsd:string">ok</Id>
           <Code xsi:type="xsd:string">200</Code>
           <RequestIP xsi:type="xsd:string"></RequestIP>
           <Resource xsi:type="xsd:string"></Resource>
           <Message xsi:type="xsd:string">Schema has been removed successfully</Message>
           <Error xsi:type="xsd:string">null</Error>

Error Response 404

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
         <faultstring>The credentials are not correct.</faultstring>
               <value>The credentials are not correct.</value>

Soap Envelope Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Apikey string - Yes Authorization format should be using customer {{Apikey}} credentials.
Appkey string - Yes Application unique identifier
Version integer - Yes Soap Version by default it should have the value 1.

Deleting a data record

Removes a Data Record with identifier :id.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mym="Flowize">
         <input xsi:type="mym:DeleteRecordRequest">
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->
            <AuthenticationObject xsi:type="mym:AuthenticationObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
               <Apikey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Apikey>
               <Appkey xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Appkey>
               <Version xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Version>
            <DataRecordObject xsi:type="mym:DataRecordObject">
               <!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
               <Uuid xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Uuid>
               <ExecutionTime xsi:type="xsd:string">?</ExecutionTime>
               <Data xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Data>

Success Response - Status: 201-Created:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="Flowize" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="">
      <ns1:deleteRecordResponse xsi:type="ns1:deleteRecordResponse">
         <deleteRecordResult xsi:type="ns1:Response">
            <Id xsi:type="xsd:string">created</Id>
            <Code xsi:type="xsd:string">201</Code>
            <RequestIP xsi:type="xsd:string"></RequestIP>
            <Resource xsi:type="xsd:string"></Resource>
            <Message xsi:type="xsd:string">Data Record is deleted successfully.</Message>
            <Error xsi:type="xsd:string">null</Error>

Error Response 404

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
         <faultstring>Data record cannot be deleted: it is being used</faultstring>
               <value>Data record cannot be deleted: it is being used</value>

SOAP Envelope Params

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Apikey string - Yes Authorization format should be using customer {{Apikey}} credentials.
Appkey string - Yes Application unique identifier
Version integer - Yes SOAP Version by default it should have the value 1.
Uuid string - No This parameter is optional and it is the unique identifier of the data record. if it’s not included will be generated automatically by the system otherwise it is custom identifier by the customer.